Tuesday, September 16, 2008

First Day of Preschool

*NOTE: I've been trying to get these darn pictures to post for a few weeks now. I think I finally figured it out! Yay!!!!! Sorry it's been so long!

Well...this year's transition back to preschool was uneventful! Avery was VERY excited to be going back to see her teachers and was thrilled that all of her friends would be in the same class. She's loving school! Hopefully she'll feel the same way when she heads to KINDERGARTEN next year!

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Bottle Battle

Well...we've been back at work for almost a week now and Annalise is getting somewhat better at taking a bottle. She and I had a little heart-to-heart before I took her to daycare for her first full day. I explained to her how important it was that she not starve and how much less guilt I would feel as her mother if she would just TAKE THE BOTTLE.

I had every intention of leaving work at lunch to go and feed her. I got a phone call from her daycare provider about an hour before letting me know that she "sort of" took the bottle. It's not pretty and she still won't really latch on....but she gets more in her mouth than she wears now. Phew!

Otherwise....Annalise is great. She's growing like a weed and is such a happy baby! She is loving the play mat.....she'll lay and talk to the animals as they spin and sing. Too funny!

Avery gets to start preschool again tomorrow! She's very excited! She's been great at daycare making sure that Annalise is well taken care of! She'll be sure and check on her periodically and gets quite concerned around feeding time! Avery is a wonderful big sister!

Jon's Wedding

Our good friend Jon got married Labor Day weekend.

Mark was one of the groomsmen and Avery got to be an impromptu flower girl (all the girls at the ceremony could join in if they wanted). It was a great ceremony and a super fun reception. Avery was exhausted Saturday night after all of the dancing and running around she did! Annalise was a trooper and actually fell asleep in my arms as we were all dancing to "We Are Family" blaring! Good times! :)