Thursday, March 26, 2009

10 Months....REALLY???? is it possible?!?! Annalise is REALLY 10 months old????

I guess when we really look at her and think back it DOES seem like it's possible. is a whirlwind and time is just passing so quickly!

Because Annalise is changing so much I figured I ought to get SOMETHING posted for those of you who haven't seen her in a while. You'll be surprised! :) Enjoy the video of Annalise's FAVORITE thing to do! :)

Avery is all registered for Kindergarten next year. ( THAT possible?!) She's SOOOO excited!!! But she's still enjoying EVERY moment of preschool. They went on a fire station field trip last week and she was really good about sharing her hat with her sister. Until Annalise crawled over it and squished it. No problem.....last year's is still in pristine shape. Oh Avery......

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Crawling and Waving

So much going on for our little Annalise!!!!

She's finally lifted up that belly and started to crawl for real! She hasn't COMPLETELY abandoned the Army crawl...she still does that when she wants to get something REALLY fast! :) She's also learned that we have STAIRS!!!!!! She's loving crawling up....and will get almost to the top....the mountain is still a little steep....she gets pooped out about 3 from the top! She's pulling herself up on anything she can (see following video), even if it means sliding down and bonking her head to get back down. She's a mover for sure!!!

She's also mastering the WAVE! She'll wave at anyone. We were at dinner Friday night and she kept a table of grandparents entertained the entire meal by waving at them! They wanted to take her home with them. So cute!!