Sunday, September 27, 2009

Harvest Time

I'm really going to try and be better about updating the blog! Honestly! :)

It was a BEAUTIFUL day today....and possibly one of the we decided to head to Bellwood Acres, a local apple farm. They have lots and lots of different varieties of apples and they let you take a golf cart to tour the farm. Avery thought the golf cart was pretty cool....I can't believe I didn't get a picture of her in it?! Oh well!

The weather was great, the apples were YUMMY and it was a great way to start Fall! :)

*Notice Mt. Baker in the background.....WOW!!! Spectacular!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten......

Really???? The first day of Kindergarten???? Remember this????

My little baby girl.....really.....a kindergartner?????
Yes....and a very happy and PROUD one at that!

Here she is with her sister before her big day began....

And ready to fly solo....Well....sort of. Our school does this thing where they try and break the kids in gently to Kindergarten. The first day is a 1/2 day with a grown up (thanks Auntie Robin!), the second day is a 1/2 day on their own, and then the third day is a full day on their own. Avery of course had no problems....but a lot of the little ones who haven't ever been away from their mommies need that time. SO....she had a great first day with Auntie Robin....

Not only did she have a great time at school doing a tour....(they even came upstairs to visit me and my fourth graders! : ) )

And seeing her friend Kaelee.....

Look at them 4 years ago....

My how time flies! :)

Anyway....after their morning at Kindergarten....Auntie Robin proceeded to SPOIL Avery ROTTEN for the rest of the day!!! They went to McDonald's for lunch, headed to the MALL where Avery convinced Robin to check out Build a Bear, then went and had sundaes and Red Robin. At this point, Robin was ready to come home and take a nap and thought Avery might need a little break, too. Nope. Avery wanted to go BOWLING. So....her wonderful Aunt Robin took Avery bowling. Wow. It doesn't get much better than this!!! Avery will remember this day FOREVER!!!!!

As for the rest of the week at school....Avery reports that it is "awesome, awesome, awesome. Maybe even more awesomes!"

And to top it off....Thursday was the lunch, music AND PE class!!!! It just keeps getting more and more awesome.

I hope her love of school lasts all throughout high school. As for now....she's anxious to do her homework, get up every day, see what's for lunch and GET to school!!!! I'm lovin' it!!!! :) And I'm so proud of our baby girl!