Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch

We were wondering if we'd be able to make it to the pumpkin patch this weekend.

We got almost a half an inch of rain yesterday and had some crazy thunder/lightning storms!
So when we got up this morning and the sun was SHINING we were pleasantly surprised!! :)
We met Scotty, Irene and Henry at the pumpkin patch.

Avery got her annual ride on the tractor train.....think she spent most of her time riding that rather than picking out a pumpkin!
While her sister was busy riding the tractor train, Annalise was able to have some good, quality pumpkin picking time!
I'll take that one.....

Yep...that's the one!!!
Then we just HAD to make time for the photo ops! :)

It was a great morning for the pumpkin patch! We've got a carving party to go to next to follow! :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Avery's a Daisy

I can remember being a "Brownie" in second grade. We'd make cool treats, take little field trips and do neat crafts. I never did make it past the Brownie stage.....

They now have a step below Brownie....girls in Kindergarten and First Grade are Daisies. One of Avery's good friends invited her to join a troop. It's a really nice group of girls (most of whom went to preschool with Avery) and she was pretty excited about the whole thing. (Can you tell?) She had to put her "uniform" on as soon as we finished ironing on the patches!

We've had one troop meeting.....they traced each other's body, sang the Daisy "Fight Song" (guess it's not REALLY called the fight song :) ), and giggled and giggled and giggled! :) Her troop leaders have a LOT of patience to be working with 8, 5-year old girls! This is Mrs. Bergman (Alice's mom). It's ALWAYS been her dream to be a Girl Scout Troop Leader. Bless her.

And these are the Daisies.....

They even did their first event together as a troop. There was a night hike around one of our local lakes, Lake Padden. Mark and I were out of town (in Las Vegas...another story ;) ) so Auntie Lori was here to take Avery. Sounds like they had a blast. They would hike a little ways and then do some sort of group activity. Tug O'War seemed to be a highlight!! :)

They also got to use their flashlights and glow sticks. Thanks for taking Avery to her first Troop event Auntie Lori! :)

Outstanding Citizen

Congratulations to of the Outstanding Citizens in her Kindergarten class for the month of September. (Dad had the camera at the awards assembly! :) )

She is SO loving fact at one point she told me she wished there weren't weekends. (YIKES!) Upon seeing my reaction she changed her mind.....thinking that maybe one day of weekend might be acceptable.

She's going to love school all the way through, right??????? :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

No Way Dude

I just couldn't help myself.
Annalise has a new saying.....

After we read books and she went to bed she was still stuck on saying it!!
What a silly girl!!! So funny!!!
Ahhhh....what will be next?????