Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back To School

It's hard to believe how fast these girls are growing up!

Avery loved her first day of second grade.
When she woke up today (the second day) the first words out of her mouth were:
"I can't wait to find out what happens to Gooniebird Green."
Her teacher had started a book about a girl named Gooniebird Green on her first day of second grade yesterday.  She was so excited to get back to school and find out what happened next.  Even I was curious after such an enthusiastic wake up!

And how is it possible that our little Annalisee is starting preschool????

Her first day went well, too.  Auntie Robin came up and took her to the parent/child orientation yesterday.  Apparently she was quite the social butterfly and was quick to let Auntie Robin know that it was okay to leave her side and go talk with the other moms.  Little Miss Independent.

These two are so different. 

And here we go.....back to school!!!

Ferndale Street Festival

Every year Ferndale shuts down Main Street and puts on a Street Festival.
We were happy to be in town this year and met the McCormack's for some good 'ol Ferndale fun!

The kids had a blast.....

There was a petting zoo.  For some reason, Avery's chick was totally content while Annalise's was cheeping away the whole time she was holding it.  Hmmmm.

The girls decided they wanted HENNA tatoos.  So cute.

Avery and Jordan were the only brave souls to try out the climbing wall.....

Think these kids may have a future....

Great day with great friends!
Can't wait till next year! :)