Sunday, May 19, 2013

Annalise's 5th Birthday!!!

It's hard to believe our sassy, hilarious, sweet little Annalise is 5!
She will graduate from preschool in a few weeks and start Kindergarten in the fall!  

We went to Lake Chelan for the weekend....what a cool place!!!
This was the view out our condo....

We got there on Thursday evening....then on Friday, we had some time to walk 
over to the city park to play....

We also had a chance to cruise down Main Street and meet the locals....

Grams, Gramps, Auntie Robin and Uncle Geoff all arrived Friday afternoon to help celebrate, too!!

We had some pool time.....(the slide was AWESOME!)

And the hot tub "grotto" was SUPER AWESOME!

Annalise opened all of her birthday presents.....she felt SO special!!!!

How did everyone know exactly what she wanted?!?!?!?!?  Wow!!!!

 We had a great weekend in Chelan celebrating Annalise.

Unfortunately her ACTUAL birthday was on Sunday when we had to drive home....
but she took the day in stride.  

We started the day with a walk to town for breakfast....
she chose Cheetos and apple juice.  And really....why wouldn't she?!

We got all packed up and she buckled in her new BFF Sadie next to her in the car.....

We stopped for lunch in Leavenworth with Uncle Geoff and Auntie Robin.....

Then she got her choice of restaurant for dinner.  She chose Ferndale's own Chihuahua's.  
(She calls it CHICK-A-WAH-WAH's).  
I don't think she was AT ALL prepared for the sombrero and birthday song......

She stared at them with a straight face throughout the entire song.
(But admitted to us later that she actually liked it! ;) )

Oh our little full of life and she brings so much joy and laughter to ours.

She is a delight and we love her so very much!!!
Happy 5th Birthday Sweet Pea!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Avery's 9th Birthday!!!!

I'm not sure how it's possible...but our sweet little Avery turned 9!
Her actual birthday fell on Mother's Day this year (lucky me!), 
so we celebrated her birthday all weekend long.

She had some friends spend the night on Friday....
Kelsey, Bailey and Hannah....

We had pizza for dinner. (Avery's choice!)
Annalise got to have her buddy Ella over, too!  (This worked out well for EVERYONE!)

After dinner, Avery wanted to tie-dye t-shirts.  She was able to tell Mark ahead of time what she wanted and he designed and printed them for her.  They turned out great!!!


And AFTER.....

Then Avery opened presents and the girls had ice cream sundaes.....

The girls didn't stay up TOO late....they watched a movie and played some games.  The next morning they played in their "secret spot" outside near the creek for a while before it was time to go home.
Their shirts faded a little in the wash...but they still looked cool and everyone was still smiling!

Saturday was also Avery's last soccer game.  And even though she couldn't play with her cast, she wanted to be there for the last game.  Both to cheer the girls on and to celebrate her birthday with cupcakes for the team! (She was just a LITTLE tired after the sleepover!!!)

We figured that dinner out the night BEFORE Mother's Day might be a touch less busy, 
so she chose her usual....Olive Garden! :)  No complaints from anyone here!!!

And the day of her ACTUAL birthday....she got to open her presents.....

And we shared a Birthday/Mother's Day Grasshopper Pie from Baskin-Robbins!

Happy Birthday Avery! 
We love you so very much and are so proud of the lovely young lady you are becoming.  
You make us smile and bring such joy to our lives each and every day.