Friday, November 29, 2013


We have so much to be thankful for.
Our family always tops the list.
Even with our family on the other side of the state...there isn't a day that we don't think about them.
Lucky for us, Grandma and Grandpa came to our house for Thanksgiving this year!
There was a lot of game playing.....

 And lots of cooking and eating.....

We had a great Thanksgiving FEAST!!!

It can get a little chilly in our basement.
Luckily, we have a great collection of blankets down there to snuggle with.
Grandpa discovered the SNUGGIE!!!

The day after Thanksgiving we followed tradition and went and cut down our Christmas tree!
Luckily the weather was great!!  Just a little cold!!

After our trek out to the tree farm, we came home and wrapped up our Christmas books.
We store the books in a tub each year until Christmas.  Then, we wrap 25 of them.
Each night beginning December 1st the girls take turns unwrapping and reading one of them.
It's become a fun tradition....and we now have way more than 25 Christmas books to choose from!

Thanks for helping us wrap them up Grandma!

We had a great visit.....we are thankful we can spend time together.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Soooooo EXCITED!!!!!!!!!

Each of the girls ended their soccer season with a team party.
Annalise knew that she was going to be getting a trophy for participating and she COULD NOT wait!!!  She was sooooooo excited!!!!  Her very first trophy!!!!!

I failed MISERABLY at capturing her excitement on film.
Here's what I got....

She was moving SO fast!
And she was SO excited!
Way to go Annalise!!!!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Girl Scouts in November

The Girl Scouts were busy in November.
We started the month with our re-dedication ceremony.
The girls prepared and even did a flag ceremony to begin and end.
They did a great job as they all re-dedicated themselves to another year in Girl Scouts.

We also had an opportunity to help with a service project to make Thanksgiving pies to donate to the local Food Banks.  They had a great time!!!
It was assembly line style....the pies looked amazing!!!

 I just love how excited these girls are to help their community!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Veteran's Day

Each year at Avery's school, there is a Veteran's Day assembly to honor all branches of the armed forces and the Veterans who have served.

This year she was asked to prepare and present information on the Army.
She studied, researched, wrote and then called Grandpa to check with the expert ;).
The gym was standing-room-only the day of the assembly.
Avery did great....she wasn't even nervous!!!

**I have an AWESOME video that keeps giving me an error message when I try to download it.
I will continue to work on adding it to this post.  
Keep checking back....she was truly amazing and I would love to share!

We are so proud of Avery.
She continues to amaze us with her kindness, confidence and intelligence.