Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fall Camping

We decided to take one final camping trip of the year.
We went with the Tiltons and the Woods back down to the 
Skagit River at Howard Miller.
Avery brought her friend Isa since Annalise would have her little buddies 
Allie and Lauren to play with.  
And PLAY they did!!!!!
The weather was AMAZING!!!!!
Warm and SUNNY!!!!!!
Perfect for taking walks, playing at the playground and fishing for the dads!

What a beautiful fall weekend!!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Bellewood Apple Picking

We LOVE Honeycrisp apples.
So when the time is right we always make a trip out to Bellewood Acres to pick some.
We picked a sunny day and were so excited to see Kim, Pete and Camryn there when we got there!
What a fun surprise!
So we got to pick apples and hang out with our friends, too!

The girls shot the "corn cannon".
They stuff the barrel with an ear of corn and then you shoot at targets.

They did the corn maze, too.
Then we decided to head out to get those awesome apples!
On the train we went....

We picked our apples (and ate a couple)!

Such a fun fall afternoon!!!

With a beautiful view of Mt. Baker!!


Avery has been waiting for volleyball!
She has looked forward to playing for a few years and now the time has come!
She is playing at the Boys and Girls Club.
Her coach is a student at WWU named Dakota.
There are a couple of girls Avery knows on the team (Alice and Leah), but the rest of the girls all go to different schools.  It's a combined 5th and 6th grade team.

 There was definitely a learning curve!
There wasn't a lot of volleying at the beginning.
And it's actually quite difficult to serve the ball over the net for most of these girls.
They definitely improved throughout the season...

Avery really enjoyed it and will definitely play again next fall!

At the end of season party, her coach praised Avery for being so positive and 
always having a good attitude and encouraging her teammates.  
Way to go Avery!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Back to School

We certainly had a busy and eventful summer.
The girls were both excited to be getting back to school to see all of their friends!

Hard to believe Annalise is going to be a first grader!
We picked this book to read the night before....

Avery is in 5th grade.
Her teacher is Mr. Esser.
This is her last year at the Elementary school!  Next year she'll start Middle school!!

Annalise is excited about 1st grade.
Her teacher is Mrs. Gould.

Mark is starting his 16th year teaching and I'm starting my 14th.
Here's to a fun school year!!!