Saturday, September 18, 2010

Westport and Ocean Shores

We take a trip with Grams and Gramps each year to Ft. Flagler. 
This summer we were having such fun camping we decided to see if they wanted to extend our week at Flagler and try camping in Westport for another week.  They said YES!  So we booked some random campground and headed out.

Avery and Annalise became great road warriors this summer!  A lot of time was spent plugged save Mark and my sanity!

When we got to Westport, we discovered that our "campground" was more of a "fish camp" for fishermen.  Not so kid friendly and right in the heart of town.  The spaces were tight....and it was a good thing we were next to each other....we could literally reach out the window and touch the other's trailer!

It happened to work out that Grams and Gramps' neighbor was in town with his fishing boat.  Mark and Gramps were able to spend a day out in the ocean and had great luck!!!!  The two of them were giddy at the end of the day!

                             (Just a small sampling of the day's catch!  Salmon and rock fish...yum!)

The girls all spent the day hanging out.  It was pretty wet and cold, so we did some bike riding and walking on the boardwalk in between rain showers.  Otherwise....we hung out with Grams and did some shopping in town.

On our way to dinner one night we saw a GIANT sea lion hanging around the boats waiting for someone to drop a fish his way....this thing was HUGE!  The pictures don't do his size justice....but take my word for it!!!  People on the docks were saying one of the sea lions had taken someone's full-sized dog right off the dock just a few days before.  Yikes!  (We held on tight to the girls when we were down there!)

We took a trip to the Westport Lighthouse one day, too.  It's the tallest lighthouse on the Washington Coast.

Annalise was too little to climb up to the top so I stayed at the bottom with her while Mark and Avery climbed their way up the 135 steps.

Avery said it was cool up at the top, but was glad to see her sister back on the ground! :)

We had planned on staying the whole week in Westport, but discovered that unless you're out fishing every day, you can pretty much do and see enough in just a few days!!!  So....we packed up and headed over to Ocean Shores for a couple of nights.  It was great....we got to spend some time at the beach!

Next year Avery thinks it would be super cool to ride horses on the beach.....

Then we were off to our week at Ft. Flagler!!!

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