Friday, November 26, 2010

Grams and Gramps

We were so excited that Grams and Gramps were coming over just before Halloween this year! It was a little later than their usual October visit, so we got to go to the pumpkin patch with them! The rain held off JUST long enough for us to get out and get the pumpkins!

The girls had a blast riding the tractor train....

....and watching them launch pumpkins into the field with their pumpkin launcher! For the last few years, they've been aiming for a couple of outhouses in the field....this year they hit them TWICE while we were there!!! It must've been our luck! :) (you can see three of them lined up below...ready to be hit!)
Once we had our pumpkins it was back to the house to start carving!!

Annalise wasn't so sure about the pumpkin guts....
And oddly enough....the only CARVED pumpkin that I actually remembered to take a picture of was Annalise's. Oh well...guess there's always next year! :)

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