Saturday, January 15, 2011


Avery woke up late....and we still had to wake up Annalise. 
Annalise rolled over and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.  "Did he come?"...were the first words out of her mouth.  The magic of Santa continues to amaze me!!!!  I love the wonder, the excitement, the awe!

We headed downstairs....sure enough.  The man in red had been by.  Even the reindeer ate what the girls had left for them.  Avery figured Santa had filled up on cookies....he left one on his plate. :)

 Thanks Santa!!!!
Paul, Katrina and the girls came over for breakfast.  After we were all done eating, we opened presents from the family.

The girls were all soooo good about taking turns and waiting politely in between.

The girls played and played and played all afternoon.
It's so great when we have time together as a family.
Then....after a WONDERFUL dinner (with Katrina's sister and her family joining us), 
the kids all snuggled up on the couch again for another movie.
They were TIRED!!!! (Can you tell?! :) )

Another great Christmas.
We have so much to be thankful for....I love our life.

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