Monday, February 21, 2011

A Visit From Grandma and Grandpa

It was so great having Grandma and Grandpa come and visit!!!!!
They even brought special Valentine gifts for the girls.

Grandma got in on the fun opening all of Avery's Valentine cards from her friends at school.  One had a flick a paper football game! :)  Good times.

We had a fun weekend despite the terrible weather!!!
The rainy weather gave us a great excuse to go BOWLING!  This is one of Avery's favorite things to do....and we don't do it very often!  In fact, this was Annalise's first time.  She seemed to like it! 

She would jump up and down as the ball SLLLLOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWLLLYYYY made it's way down the lane!  At one point, we had to go retrieve the ball because it had stopped midway down!

She was easily distracted by all the happenings around her!
(Like the cool thing on the ball return that blows your hair all over!)

And once the birthday party beside us shared their cake and ice cream, she had a one-track mind! 
The bowling ceased.

The evenings were a perfect time for Avery to read her favorite Grandma and Grandpa books. 
I think they especially liked that this time AVERY was doing the reading! :) 

(*During the story, Annalise is informing Grandma that "hate" is not a good word. 
She proceeds to let me know that, too!)

Thanks for making the trek to the west side of the state Grandma and Grandpa!!! 

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