Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Just A Mosquito Bite

So we went to a birthday party at Hovander Park in Ferndale.
Toward the end of the party, the mosquitoes started coming out and we noticed one biting Annalise's forehead. We got it mid-bite, but it swelled up pretty good.
In fact, this is right after it happened.  If you look close you can see it's a little swollen above her left eye.

The next day was Sunday.  WOW!!!

After our initial shock in the morning, throughout the day it looked like it was getting better.
We went to dinner with some friends and it seemed like it was starting to make her actual eyelid a little puffy.

Well....then this is poor Annalise when she woke up on Monday morning.

It took a good couple of days and a trip to the doctor for the thing to get back to normal.

Sheesh.  Guess the poor kid will be covered in bug spray and we'll carry Benadryl with us everywhere we go this summer.  
And we won't give her the 'ol "it's just a mosquito bite" line.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness! She's just like Alice - poor little thing. The other thing that our pediatrician recommended, and I swear it works better than anything, is Zyrtec. It's like a miracle drug for Alice's bites. And we spray her with the heavy duty Deet - no messing around with the chemical free stuff. Deet, all the way! Hope Annalise doesn't get many more this summer...