Saturday, October 22, 2011

Girl Scout Camp-Out

Avery and I were able to do another Mother-Daughter camping trip this year with the local Girl Scouts.  We had a great time!  Avery was thrilled to be camping in a tent again.  (I'll take the trailer any day!!)

This year's camp-out was near home....Birch Bay State Park. 
And the weather was GREAT!!!!  Sure beat last year's rainy weekend!

We took a little hike on the beach before the girls started making dinner....Avery and Alice had a good time making shadows along the way.

The girls got right to work on their chopping and grating duties when we got back.

The girls took some time to make a beaded bracelet and necklace with shared beads from the group....

While the yummy orange chicken and rice dish was cooking on the fire, we went back down to the beach for a LOVELY sunset!

After we were all full from dinner we got to hang out around the campfire singing songs and eating s'mores.  Ahhhh....this is the life!!!

The next morning Avery and I were up early enough to take a stroll on the beach before breakfast.
She thought it was amazing that we could get so close to the Blue Heron! :)

Breakfast was made on the fire as well!!!  I LOVED these pie-irons!!!!  The girls got the ingredients chopped and prepped then chose whatever they wanted to go inside.  Avery liked the egg, potato and cheese combo.  I enjoyed the pancake batter with sausage and syrup mixture.  YUM!!!

The girls even dug right in after breakfast and helped do the dishes and packing up!

What a great time for us girls!  Can't wait till next year!!!

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