Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer is HERE!!

YAY!!! Summer is here and it actually FEELS like summer, too. We've had a week of HOT, summer-like weather. It's been wonderful! We took a drive up near Mt. Baker to look at some forest service campgrounds and took this picture of the girls on the Nooksack River. Avery and some friends got together for a playdate at a park in Lynden with a creek running through. The creek was a real hit....that was the highlight for Avery....I thought for sure it would be the ice cream at the end of the day.

So...we're doing our best to keep Avery busy and happy....not the easiest task! But as you can see, she's doing just fine and her summer is off to a great start.


Monday, June 23, 2008


This is that goofy smile I was
talking about. Maybe it IS just gas.
Who knows. I'd like to
think she really is smiling!


I couldn't help but post this picture of Annalise. All throughout the pregnancy we called her Princess (thanks to Avery). We haven't really been calling her Princess. Avery's got a new nickname for her. She has shortened "Cutie Pie" down to "PIE". Nice. She's calling her baby sister "PIE". Hmmmm. We're going to have to talk Avery about a new nickname for her sister!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

One Month!!

We've made it a month being a family of four. Really it's just kind of a blur....a fast, disorganized, sleepless blur. But.....all is well!

Annalise is growing quickly and sleeping in longer stretches (yeah!). She gives her big sister a goofy smile every morning and is a really good baby.

Avery is also doing very well. She's learning how to play by herself a little more, which she informs us is "no fun". But....she does it and checks in regularly to see how her "Sissy" is doing. She's quick to let us know when Annalise needs a new diaper.... "Annalise is STINKY"!" Such a helper! Actually...she is a good helper.....and she LOVES her sister!

Summer is near! Mark is done with school on Monday and then we'll all be ready to play until September. Ahhhh.....we've got a great life!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Girls

Avery has been a great big sister so far with MINIMAL meltdowns. Her alone time with Mom has been cut down and that's when we notice the change! Otherwise....she's anxious to help out when she can and tries very hard to soothe her sister when she cries. Annalise is a pretty good baby so far. It's been 3 1/2 weeks and she's eating and sleeping well. Well....the sleep thing is okay....she'll go an average of about 3 hours in between feedings. We're tired....but happy! :)

A Vist From Auntie Lori and Uncle John

Auntie Lori and Uncle John got to come over from
Spokane last weekend to meet their new niece. It was great spending some time together....and Avery was VERY happy to have some other playmates! :) We all got out and went to the beach at Birch Bay....there was actually a break in the weather (phew!). The highlight for Avery was getting ice cream at the C Shop in Birch Bay. (Auntie Lori and I liked the C Shop's coffee chocolates...yum!)

They finally got to try our favorite restaurant, too.....Avery calls it "MEXICO". Annalise did well....pretty much slept all through dinner. I forget how much easier it is to take a kid to dinner before they are mobile!

We had a great weekend!