Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Vist From Auntie Lori and Uncle John

Auntie Lori and Uncle John got to come over from
Spokane last weekend to meet their new niece. It was great spending some time together....and Avery was VERY happy to have some other playmates! :) We all got out and went to the beach at Birch Bay....there was actually a break in the weather (phew!). The highlight for Avery was getting ice cream at the C Shop in Birch Bay. (Auntie Lori and I liked the C Shop's coffee chocolates...yum!)

They finally got to try our favorite restaurant, too.....Avery calls it "MEXICO". Annalise did well....pretty much slept all through dinner. I forget how much easier it is to take a kid to dinner before they are mobile!

We had a great weekend!

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