Monday, December 1, 2008

Annalise Is 6 Months Old!

My how time flies! Our baby is already 6 months! Unbelievable!

She's beginning to show a little personality these days (this one's a little more like her Daddy than the other!). She's nodding yes to all of the appropriate questions, sitting on her own, rolling here and there, eating yummy veggies (she's got two teeth!!) and talking up a storm. Oh yes.....and also BIG into playing the "I throw it down, you pick it up" game. Good times! :)

She's such a happy baby! Even when she "comes alive" at around 10 pm each night. She's sleeping a little better now that those two teeth popped through. Thank goodness! Mark was ready to send her back! Guess we'll keep her for a while now. (Maybe till she's 12 or 13.)

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