Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bowling Avery

**I couldn't get this one to post until today?! Nothing like a month and a half later!?!

Avery got to go bowling for the first time right after New Year's. We took a couple of friends who were old pros so they could teach her the ropes. She did pretty well for her first time out. She even gave her Daddy a run for his money. (He claims the bumpers messed with his game! :) ) Mark did end up coming in 2nd (1st went to the 7 year old!). Avery had a great time and could have bowled all day! She was thrilled when a preschool friend had his birthday party at the bowling alley last weekend!! :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

More From Spokane......

We spent another day playing in the snow at Grams and Gramp's house. Avery, Mark and I built a snow-girl. Avery named her HULA GIRL.

We also did a little sledding down Gramp's big snow burms! :) Annalise was squealing at us through the window!!!!!! You KNOW she'll be on the sled with us next winter!! :)

(Note: My Mom sent me a picture of Hula Girl today.....just a week after we built her....they've gotten just a little more snow. We'll see how Hula Girl survives the rest of this CRAZY Spokane winter!!!! We'll keep you posted!)

Merry Christmas (Part 2)

After a lovely Christmas morning with Grandma and Grandpa, we packed up and headed out to Grams and Gramps' house in Deer Park. Lori, John and Mallory came up for a yummy Christmas dinner.
The next morning we went up to the Christmas tree farm for ANOTHER Christmas with Grams, Gramps, Auntie Lori, Uncle John and Cousin Mallory. Again....for those of you who aren't in Spokane....this snow is just CRAZY!!!!!! These pictures are from my sister's house looking out at the Christmas trees. It was beautiful!! (Well....beautiful for those of us who don't have to shovel or plow it! :) )

After brunch we all opened our presents and hung out for the day.

We have so much to be thankful for in our lives......most of all we are thankful for our families. We feel so loved and truly blessed! Our happiest times are those spent together with the people we love. I hope you all had a great Christmas, too!

Merry Christmas (Part 1)

We had a great time in Spokane for Christmas. Wow....those of you who are NOT in Spokane....they have an INSANE amount of snow. And it just keeps on coming! We've been working on our "NO MORE SNOW" dance but it doesn't seem to be working. Yikes! Needless to was great to visit....glad we're home and don't have to shovel a foot a day.

This is what it looks like at my parents house....and this was after a day of warmer temps and a TON had already melted!!!

We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Paul, Katrina and Bella came over and hung out until it was time to get ready for Santa.

Grandma helped Avery get ready for Santa's arrival. In addition to the cookies and milk for Santa, Avery very carefully counted out 9 baby carrots for all of the reindeer.

I finally had to wake Avery up at 8:00 because I was so anxious for her to get downstairs! (Guess we're getting paybacks with Annalise for Avery being such an AWESOME sleeper!) Anyway....she was very excited and couldn't believe Santa remembered she wanted a Science Kit! :)

Annalise on the other hand.....just wanted to eat the presents Santa gave her.

Cousin Bella came over and the girls had a great time opening presents and playing with each other!!

It was so great spending time together!!! Think the grandparents LOVED having all of their granddaughters under one roof! :)