Saturday, January 3, 2009

Merry Christmas (Part 2)

After a lovely Christmas morning with Grandma and Grandpa, we packed up and headed out to Grams and Gramps' house in Deer Park. Lori, John and Mallory came up for a yummy Christmas dinner.
The next morning we went up to the Christmas tree farm for ANOTHER Christmas with Grams, Gramps, Auntie Lori, Uncle John and Cousin Mallory. Again....for those of you who aren't in Spokane....this snow is just CRAZY!!!!!! These pictures are from my sister's house looking out at the Christmas trees. It was beautiful!! (Well....beautiful for those of us who don't have to shovel or plow it! :) )

After brunch we all opened our presents and hung out for the day.

We have so much to be thankful for in our lives......most of all we are thankful for our families. We feel so loved and truly blessed! Our happiest times are those spent together with the people we love. I hope you all had a great Christmas, too!

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