Saturday, February 21, 2009

Summer Splash

Avery got to pick any color she wanted to paint her room. I was pretty sure it was going to be some shade of pink. I was wrong. We took her to Lowes and she was amazed at all of the paint swatches. It took maybe a minute for her to pick "Summer Splash". A lovely blue color. Very blue.

Mark got the room all ready to go.....Avery watching and waiting patiently to help. They started painting and Avery was REALLY into it! Didn't take long before the roller was "super heavy" and she was back downstairs with Annalise and I.

Needless to say....we got started....Mark got the flu....the project was put on hold for a couple of days....we's very blue....Avery loves it.

Valentines Day

In getting ready for Valentines Day, Avery picked her Valentines and began signing her name to them about a week ahead of time. She had 30 to do for preschool and 12 for daycare. Phew! She worked really hard and had them done in time to hand out at the parties on Thursday the 12th! :)

Thursday was a big day for the girls. Well....mostly Avery.....Annalise didn't really notice the Valentine hub-bub. :) She did enjoy eating the box her Valentines came in and ripping the paper envelope at the end of the day!

Avery enjoyed the party at daycare, then a party at preschool. Thursday night was the preschool Winter Program (the Christmas program was cancelled because of the snow). It was a busy and crazy day....Avery slept well that night!

Our Girls

It's been a while since I've posted pictures of the girls. The time just seems to go so quickly!

Annalise turned 9-months on Thursday. WOW! I can't believe how fast she's growing. She's got 4 teeth, Army crawls like there's no tomorrow, does whatever she can to make us laugh at her and watches every move her sister makes! She's got quite a sense of humor and is curious about EVERYTHING!!!!!!!

Then there's Avery....she just keeps GROWING!!!! We actually measured her again tonight on our "wall" and she's grown almost 1/4 of an inch since February 5th when we last measured her. She said she felt like she had grown.....she was right!!! It's unbelievable! She is loving preschool again this year and is super-excited we get to go register her for Kindergarten soon. She loves crafting and reading (some books on her own), singing and dancing and playing with her sister.

Quite often while Avery is "playing" with Annalise she'll stop what she's doing to tell me how much she LOVES being a big sister. And she's so good at it. She'll step in to entertain when whatever Mommy and Daddy are doing isn't keeping Annalise happy, she always wants to help feed her, and nobody can make the baby laugh and smile like her big sister does!!!! It's so cool to watch.

As quickly as time goes and as often as I feel rushed and like there aren't enough hours in a day....I can't imagine our lives any different. I sure do love our girls.....motherhood is amazing.