Saturday, February 21, 2009

Valentines Day

In getting ready for Valentines Day, Avery picked her Valentines and began signing her name to them about a week ahead of time. She had 30 to do for preschool and 12 for daycare. Phew! She worked really hard and had them done in time to hand out at the parties on Thursday the 12th! :)

Thursday was a big day for the girls. Well....mostly Avery.....Annalise didn't really notice the Valentine hub-bub. :) She did enjoy eating the box her Valentines came in and ripping the paper envelope at the end of the day!

Avery enjoyed the party at daycare, then a party at preschool. Thursday night was the preschool Winter Program (the Christmas program was cancelled because of the snow). It was a busy and crazy day....Avery slept well that night!

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