Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring Break time flies when you're on vacation!

We had a GREAT time this week at Lake Chelan.
The weather was awesome (sunny, upper 50's-60's) so we were able to dry out a little bit!

It was fun spending time with Grams and Gramps....although they would NEVER admit it.....I think we were a bit much for them at times. Our pace of life is a bit faster than is our noise level a bit higher. :) Bless them for putting up with us and inviting us to spend the week at the condo with them. It was a much needed break for all of us!

Avery LOVED the swimming pool.....

And the playground.....

All three of them.... (this place was HUGE!)

Annalise liked the swings, too!

Avery also discovered her love of putt-putt golf. (Look out Tiger! :) )
Grams and Gramps gave her a run for her money with the holes-in-one, though!

Even Mark and I got to get out and do a little golfing. It was a beautiful day....the Lake Chelan Municipal Course was really nice. We had a GREAT time!!!!

We knew that we'd be coming home just in time for the Easter Bunny so Grams and Gramps also helped us color our eggs.....good times. Did you know that they make a CAMO set for dyeing eggs???? It involves oil. Gramps worked long and hard for the CAMO eggs. The rest of us thought it was too much work. We stuck with the white crayon.....Mark did his standard "EAT ME" egg. Funny man.

All in all we had a WONDERFUL week!!!!! Good company, good food, good wine, nice weather....we were all wiped out. But we were ready for the car ride home. It started out fine....

And continued to get better......

It was a great Spring Break!!!!!!!

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