Thursday, May 28, 2009

The End of Preschool....

Last Thursday was both Bike Day at Avery's preschool as well as Graduation. What a day! I took a personal day to spend at Bike Day. I somehow got the dubious honor of helping at the face painting table. Wow.....that is not my gift....thank goodness they're only 4 and 5 and ANYTHING painted on their face is AWESOME! The sun was shining and the kids were having a BLAST! What a fun way to end the school year!

Avery and Addie....showing off the face painting!

The kids all got to bring their bikes from home and ride around in the parking lot. Once I saw the chaos I was thankful I was sitting at my face painting post! :)

Avery and Kaelee...bestest buddies!!

Graduation was very nice as well. The kids sang some really nice songs (Avery looks like she's going to pass out) and then got their diploma. As they came forward to accept theirs, the teacher asked what they wanted to be when they grew up....Avery was quick to respond....."a gymnast". Guess we better get that girl into gymnastics! :)

Ready to go to seems like just yesterday she was standing in this same spot getting ready to go for the first time.

(I think it's time for a new door mat! :) )

The preschool graduate

Mrs. Johnson, Ms. Patty and Mrs. Eggink (Avery's AMAZING preschool teachers!)

We are so excited for Avery! She has such a love of school....we can only hope that it will continue! She can't wait for Kindergarten....and she is so ready! :) We are proud of the little girl our baby has grown into!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Avery's 5th Birthday

Happy Birthday Avery!

I do believe Avery feels like a 5-year old!
Had a pretty normal to take birthday treats to preschool....think that was the highlight. She chose those little orange and vanilla ice cream cups. Yum. But she still wanted to bake and decorate a cake. I think she did a MARVELOUS job!

She also got to choose whatever she wanted for her birthday dinner. She decided she wanted to go out for MEXICAN. Oh....we do love Las Cazuelas!!!! Avery wasn't really a fan of the sombrero. Can you tell?

All in all....our little girl is happy to be five. And this is why......

The tooth has since come out! :) She's down two now!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Avery's 5th Birthday Party

What a fun way to celebrate a birthday!!!!
Avery had decided long ago that she wanted to have her birthday at Build-A-Bear. (I'm not quite sure how she got the idea....she's only been there once before?!) But boy am I glad she had the idea! It was so much fun!!! We were there ready to go before the mall even opened yesterday! Luckily we only had to wait a few minutes!! :)

Once all of Avery's friends arrived, her "Party Bear" Amy, gathered the kids and explained how the party would go. They all listened intently and then got to pick out their very own bear "skin" (a teddy bear that hasn't been stuffed yet!).

Once they all chose their bear they paraded through the store to the "stuffing area" where each bear was stuffed to just the right softness. After a hug check, they could join the circle again.

Just right! :)
Once everyone had their bear stuffed they each got to pick a little heart. Each of Avery's friend got to make a special wish, kiss the heart and then put it in Nina (Avery's bear). Her bear was stuffed FULL of love!!!! :)

Then everyone got their own bear heart and the bears were sewn shut. Next stop was the fluffing and brushing station!!!

Avery and Nina......Alice and Teddy Bear

Payton and ???....Aidan and Friend

Kaelee and Cutie....Ainsley and ???

Addie and Vanilla....Jordan and Jo-Jo

Then it was time to show off the bears!!! The parade of bears from the back of the store to the front....shouting "WE ARE FUR-BULOUS....WE ARE FUR-BULOUS...."

Everyone had such a great time! Especially Avery....she felt well celebrated!

Happy 5th Bear-Day Avery! :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

She'll Be Running Soon....'s happening. Last weekend Annalise took her first solo steps.....about 10 of them.
Of course....trying to get her to do it for the camera wasn't quite as successful. But at least you'll get a feel for where she's headed! :)

It's amazing how fast time goes!!!!
It seems like we were just waiting for her to arrive.....and it's been almost a year!!! WOW!!!
She also LOVES music. Any kind....she hears anything with a beat and she's dancing. Waving back and forth, bouncing up and down, kicking her legs.....pretty much getting her groove on! The girl's got rhythm!