Thursday, May 28, 2009

The End of Preschool....

Last Thursday was both Bike Day at Avery's preschool as well as Graduation. What a day! I took a personal day to spend at Bike Day. I somehow got the dubious honor of helping at the face painting table. Wow.....that is not my gift....thank goodness they're only 4 and 5 and ANYTHING painted on their face is AWESOME! The sun was shining and the kids were having a BLAST! What a fun way to end the school year!

Avery and Addie....showing off the face painting!

The kids all got to bring their bikes from home and ride around in the parking lot. Once I saw the chaos I was thankful I was sitting at my face painting post! :)

Avery and Kaelee...bestest buddies!!

Graduation was very nice as well. The kids sang some really nice songs (Avery looks like she's going to pass out) and then got their diploma. As they came forward to accept theirs, the teacher asked what they wanted to be when they grew up....Avery was quick to respond....."a gymnast". Guess we better get that girl into gymnastics! :)

Ready to go to seems like just yesterday she was standing in this same spot getting ready to go for the first time.

(I think it's time for a new door mat! :) )

The preschool graduate

Mrs. Johnson, Ms. Patty and Mrs. Eggink (Avery's AMAZING preschool teachers!)

We are so excited for Avery! She has such a love of school....we can only hope that it will continue! She can't wait for Kindergarten....and she is so ready! :) We are proud of the little girl our baby has grown into!

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