Saturday, January 23, 2010


Avery loves being a big sister.  Most of the time. 
She doesn't like it when Annalise....
....won't give her a hug on demand.
....has a poopy diaper.
....tells her to "top it" or "bap-up".
But seriously....just about the rest of the time she adores her little sister.  How long can this possibly last????  It's so much fun seeing how much they love each other.  And Annalise is finally old enough to actually PLAY with Avery! 

She'll follow Avery everywhere, repeat anything (well....almost) Avery asks her to say, has to have the same hair-do, wants to do her own "homework" when Avery does hers and simply just wants to be with her big sister!!!!

Sisters are awesome.

1 comment:

Melinda Cool said...

Guyan and Owen are like that too--most of the time, they get along great, and truly are each others' best friends. I wonder how long it will last, too, and hope they're lucky and have it for a very, very long time. Same for your girls!