Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thanks for buying Girl Scout Cookies!!!

Thanks to all of you who bought cookies from Avery.
She was so proud of all that her troop was able to do for others.....
This was a message from their Girl Scout Leader I thought I'd pass along......

"Part of the Girl Scout Promise is to help others at all times. Part of the Girl Scout Law is to be friendly and helpful; considerate and caring; and to make the world a better place. The girls in my Girl Scout Troop get that.

All the girls far surpassed their goal for cookie sales this year. And, as a Troop, they decided to spend what equated to less than 20% of the money they earned on themselves - we're going to Jungle Playland next month for a fun afternoon. And, as a Troop, they decided to spend what equated to almost 60% of the money they earned on "helping others."

As a Troop, we went shopping today. What an adventure! The girls were so well-behaved and so focused on their goal which was to purchase items to donate to the Humane Society - cat food, dog food, dog collars, cat toys, rabbit/guinea pig/hamster/rat food - and also items to donate to the Pediatric Wing of the local Hospital - coloring books, crayons, markers, dolls, Hot Wheels, My Little Pony, Polly Pockets, books, paints. They spent a lot of money today. And they knew that every bit of it was from the hard work they put in to selling cookies and that the goal was to help others.

I hope they're as proud of themselves as I am of each and every one of these girls."

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