Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Annalise!

Oh wow!  Our baby is 2!  It's actually a little hard to believe!  Seems like she was just born!  Now she's running around, climbing on everything and telling us all what to do!
AND what she wants!  She's a girl who knows exactly what she wants! :)  Like this giant koosh ball.  We were at Walgreens for something else and she did NOT want to put the ball back.  In fact, she REALLY wanted her Daddy to carry it all around the store for her.  Needless to say....we did put it back, then I promptly returned without her so it could be one of her birthday gifts!  It was a hit!

Avery got her the BIG gift!  A Barbie Quad.  Annalise thought it was cool that she could have a "Doodle Bug" just like her Gramps!  (Only Gramps doesn't have a cool pink one! :) )  This should be interesting when we get her outside with it.  Guess we'd better be wearing our running shoes.  There won't be any furniture to stop her! :)

And listen to her giggle!!! Priceless!!!

Happy Birthday baby girl! :)

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