Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

(cue music)....I'm dreaming of a WHITE Thanksgiving.....
What a GREAT surprise to wake up to a couple inches of snow on Thanksgiving!

We started the day with a great breakfast!!
 And the girls spent most of the morning playing Barbies! 
Avery took a break while Annalise napped to help bake the pumpkin pie!!  YUM!  She did a great job!

Dinner being a team event.....Mark even pitched in and made the cornbread stuffing!

It snowed almost all day and by the end of it, we had an accumulation of about 4 or 5 inches. PLENTY to get out and play in!!!

 It was definitely time for hot chocolate!!  It was Annalise's first time....think it was a HIT! 
Especially the whipped cream!!!

We got all warm and dry and settled in for a really nice evening.
We have MUCH to be thankful for!  It was a lovely Thanksgiving.

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