Sunday, December 12, 2010

Old Fashioned Christmas

Last weekend was the Old Fashioned Christmas in Ferndale at Pioneer Park.
It's such a cool park....all of the old cabins with such great stories behind them!

We started in the old school house where the girls wrote letters to Santa.
(Annalise had some help from Daddy!)

Then it was off to the post office to put them in the mailbox!

The next stop was the Jenni House where the girls got to make a sugar cookie, tour the house while it was baking and then eat the cookie hot out of the oven!

Then we went to the horse barn where Annalise LOVED seeing the "ponies". 
(Actually they were draft horses...about 1,200 lbs. each!)

When it was time to go in the house where Santa was....Avery started to get a little nervous.  Last year she put on a good front for her "baby" sister and went right up to Santa. (This is last year's picture!)

Not this year.  She wouldn't get anywhere near him.  In fact, poor Santa had to hobble over to her.  THEN....she wouldn't even take the candy cane he was offering her.  Oh Avery.

Annalise, on the other hand, didn't hesitate.  She walked right up to Santa and climbed up on his lap.  When he asked her what she wanted for Christmas she clearly and loudly stated, "MARACAS!" 

Could be a festive time at the Schneider house at Christmas.  Maracas.  Oh Annalise! :) 
These girls are so different from one another. :)

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