Saturday, January 15, 2011


I normally only post things to the blog that have to do with our entire family.
This was so cool, I just have to share!!!!
Mark and I got tickets to the SEAHAWKS playoff game last weekend.
You know, the one against the Super-Bowl Champion Saints.  The one the Seahawks WON!!!!
We rode the Sounder train from Everett with our friends Brandi and Chris.  The train was all about SEAHAWKS!!!! So....from the very beginning we were all pumped up!!!

And when we got to the stadium it was just as exciting!!

It was seriously an INCREDIBLE experience!'s as loud as they say it is!!!!
There was actually seismic activity recorded near Qwest field during Marshawn Lynch's unbelievable 67-yard touchdown run in the fourth quarter.

We had a blast!
Go Hawks!!!! :)

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