Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Easter

We had some help decorating eggs just before Easter this year.
Thanks Kaelee!! :)

There were LOTS of eggs to be hidden on Easter.  We kept ours in the fridge (until later in the day) and let the Easter Bunny do his thing.  The girls left out some carrots and chocolate for him....this is all that was left in the morning:

The Easter Bunny sent Avery on a little basket search.  She had to read the clues and go searching from place to place.....

Until she finally found the basket.

The Easter Bunny went a little easier on Annalise.....leaving her a trail of jelly beans that led to her basket.  Avery was more than happy to help! :)

Easter dinner was nice.  Easter dessert was delish.....sweet little Easter egg cakes.

Happy Easter Everyone!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Grandma and Grandpa

Since we didn't make it to Spokane, Grandma and Grandpa decided to make the trek over here for the last half of the week!!! 

Think they brought some sunshine with them, because after a couple of gray mornings, the afternoons seemed to clear up and we could get out and enjoy the spring sunshine!!!

We went and saw The Lorax one day and headed to the Bellingham Children's Museum another.

It was a great visit!!!

Spring Break

Our Spring Break plans changed a bit when I got pretty sick the week before.
We decided it was probably best to stay home and not try to push it.
The girls didn't seem to mind too much.....they were all about going shopping and getting new swimsuits, etc. even though the weather was 43 and rainy for the first half of the week.

Good thing they are so bright and sunny themselves!!! :)
I love these girls.

Saturday Morning Photo Shoot

So it was a little cold for Annalise and I to go sit and watch Avery's outdoor soccer game last Saturday morning.

When Annalise got dressed, she wanted to be "fancy".  Then she decided she looked fancy enough for pictures.  So, she picked the clothes, picked the props AND picked the poses.  All I had to do was take the pictures.  And are the results of our impromptu Saturday morning photo shoot!

The Year of the Girl

As part of the 100 year celebration of Girl Scouts, local troops were invited to contact their local officials and ask for each city's mayor to make a proclamation.

Our Ferndale Mayor, Mr. Jensen, made an official proclamation and made 2012 the "Year of the Girl".
He applauded the Girl Scouts for their "courage, confidence and character to act to make our world a better place".

Our girls were asked to perform the flag ceremony at the City Council meeting when the proclamation was made.  They did a GREAT job!!! :)  It was a PACKED house!!!  (Thus making pictures VERY hard to take!! :) )

In this 100th year of Girl Scouts, a thank you is in order to Girl Scouting, which has helped build more than 50 million girls and women of courage, confidence and character who act to make the world a better place!!!

Way to go girls!!!

St. Patrick's Day

Off to Bellingham we went to see the St. Patrick's Day parade.
It was Lauren's FIRST birthday so the party started at the parade!!!

It was a pretty quick parade, but everyone had a GREAT time!! :)

Happy Birthday Lauren!

World Thinking Day

Each year on World Thinking Day girls participate in activities and projects with global themes to honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries. World Thinking Day not only gives girls a chance to celebrate international friendships, but is also a reminder that Girl Scouts of the USA is part of a global community—one of nearly 150 countries with Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.

This year our girls created their own exhibit that related to the work they've been doing learning about WATER and how to use resources wisely.  They chose to focus on the country of Nigeria and had girls make their own personal "water promise" as they visited their booth.

They also got to visit the other troops' exhibits and learn more about other countries in the world.
Like Mexico....



And more.
But most of all....the fun was being together as a troop!! :)