Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Easter

We had some help decorating eggs just before Easter this year.
Thanks Kaelee!! :)

There were LOTS of eggs to be hidden on Easter.  We kept ours in the fridge (until later in the day) and let the Easter Bunny do his thing.  The girls left out some carrots and chocolate for him....this is all that was left in the morning:

The Easter Bunny sent Avery on a little basket search.  She had to read the clues and go searching from place to place.....

Until she finally found the basket.

The Easter Bunny went a little easier on Annalise.....leaving her a trail of jelly beans that led to her basket.  Avery was more than happy to help! :)

Easter dinner was nice.  Easter dessert was delish.....sweet little Easter egg cakes.

Happy Easter Everyone!!!

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