Sunday, August 26, 2012

Birch Bay Waterslides

Avery's Girl Scout troop sold a lot of cookies again this year.
Just like last year, the girls got to decide how they would split their money.
Half to help for animals at the Humane Society 
and toys and activities for children in the hospital ER.
The other half....FUN for the girls.
They decided to try a day at the Birch Bay Waterslides.  Unfortunately we can't predict the weather when trying to coordinate a time for everyone to meet and it turned out to be a bit chilly that day.  
In fact it was about 58 degrees and CHILLY!!!!
Luckily....these girls are tough and the cold weather didn't stop them from having a BLAST on the slides for the day!!!! They hit them all!!!

Including the BLACK HOLE!!!!!

There was a bit of hot tub time in between to help warm up, too!

Even Michelle and I braved the elements to get in and have some fun with our troop!
We had a great time!


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