Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fall Camping

Our friend Anne organized one last camping trip of the season to one of our favorite spots on the Skagit River!!!  Warm by by morning and night!!! :)

We woke up on Saturday morning a little earlier than normal (Annalise was VERY excited!). We headed out and Mark saw some King salmon jumping in the river.  
He grabbed his gear and we accompanied him to the beach.....

No fish caught...but still felt good to get out!!!
The fall leaves were pretty.....

And they have a GREAT playground!!!!

We had a fun day just hanging out, hiking and playing....

And for the record....Pete started this....(most people always assume it's Mark?!)

Silly Boys.

Jeff, Katie and the girls also made it down for the day....

We had a great BBQ potluck for dinner.  (Go Allan....)

Mark and Aidan went back out in the evening to see if the fish were no avail....
guess it just wasn't meant to be.

Lucky for us we had an awesome GLOW SHOW before bed!


It was a great LAST camping trip of the season!!!  
Can't wait to pull the trailer out in the spring! :)

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