Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Eaglette Cheer Camp

The Ferndale High School cheerleaders do an annual cheer camp for girls in grades kindergarten through 5th grade.  Avery has wanted to do it every year and this year we FINALLY said yes.  The girls practice from 6:30-8 each night Monday-Thursday and then they perform at halftime during the football game on Friday night.  It makes for a long week for the kids!  Avery powered through...
on Tuesday and Thursday she had soccer from 5:15-6:15, ate her dinner in the car,
 and went to cheer practice until 8.

 The game was super windy and rainy.  The girls were sooooo excited!!!!!

It was wet!  Really wet.

The video is terrible and the pictures were worse.
(Think it MAY be time for a new camera.)
BUT....this will at least give you an idea of just HOW big the Eaglette Cheer Camp is in Ferndale!  
It was a HUGE night for a lot of little girls!!!  Avery included.  She had a blast.  
And there is a strong possibility that we will have TWO Eaglettes next year! ;)


Hopefully the weather will be better and I'll have a new camera! :)

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