Thursday, February 27, 2014

We Got Jazz......

Avery's school performance was a JAZZ concert this year!
Mrs. Bianco did another amazing job of getting the kids ready for the performance...
they sounded great.

Annalise will have her performance next month!  Can't wait to see it, too!
They have such a great music teacher....and both of our girls LOVE to sing!

Monday, February 24, 2014

SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!

We were sooooo hoping for a SNOW DAY!!!!!
Unfortunately it happened when Mark had to leave town.
He was down in Vancouver....the girls and I were home chillaxin' on a SNOW DAY!!!!

We played with friends....

Drank hot chocolate....

Had a late movie night (once we got the call that school was cancelled on Monday!)

And then played in the snow some more!!!

By the third snow day, most of the snow was gone by the end of the day and we were getting a little cabin fever.  Annalise got herself all dressed up and we went and got some frozen yogurt.  
Gotta love Menchies!!!  The place was empty.  
Bellingham schools were in session, so we had the place to ourselves!

We sure do LOVE our snow days!!!!!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Girl Scouts World Thinking Day

We have participated in World Thinking Day as a troop before and decided to do it again.  
This year our country of focus was Bangladesh. 
The girls did their research, created a poster, an activity for other girls to do as they circulated through, a snack related to their country and a 
SWAP (Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned).

We had a great day representing the country of Bangladesh, and it was cool to see all of the other countries represented!  There was even a pretty awesome musical performance highlighting some South American music!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Another Belt Test

Avery is still really enjoying TaeKwonDo....
In fact, she tested for her third belt in February....going for the PURPLE belt.

She did AMAZING and of course passed.....
Nice work Avery!!! :)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Miscellaneous February

We had a busy February with lots of little things going on.....

Our SEAHAWKS were in the Superbowl, so we hosted a little party....


There were also some mellow days....
Avery really got into her rainbow loom and made lots of cool bracelets, charms and other stuff....

And Annalise is always happy to chill and play Barbies or LEGO Friends and eat Cheese-Its....

And Charlie is happy, too.  Now that he's 3 he is beginning to mellow out some.

There was also Valentine's Day.  
Mark helped Avery make a "compliment container" for school.  
She drew a design, he made it on the laser printer at school.  
Turned out super cool...she was very proud taking it in on Valentine's Day!!!

Love these two to pieces!!!!

Annalise has really begun to read and write!  
She sounds EVERYTHING out that she sees and LOVES to write.  
In fact, one day she was just working away at sounding something out.  
She finished and handed this paper to Mark.

She translated for us....."get your taxes done people, and could somebody get me a beer".
What?????  Totally Random.....she cracks us up.
Even Mark had a fun river fishing day before the season closed.
He and some buddies from work went to a friend's property on the Nooksack River and did some fishing.  I know that it does his soul well to be out glad he has such awesome fishing right here in our area!!!

And that's only the first half of February.....still more to come!!! :)