Monday, February 24, 2014

SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!

We were sooooo hoping for a SNOW DAY!!!!!
Unfortunately it happened when Mark had to leave town.
He was down in Vancouver....the girls and I were home chillaxin' on a SNOW DAY!!!!

We played with friends....

Drank hot chocolate....

Had a late movie night (once we got the call that school was cancelled on Monday!)

And then played in the snow some more!!!

By the third snow day, most of the snow was gone by the end of the day and we were getting a little cabin fever.  Annalise got herself all dressed up and we went and got some frozen yogurt.  
Gotta love Menchies!!!  The place was empty.  
Bellingham schools were in session, so we had the place to ourselves!

We sure do LOVE our snow days!!!!!!

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