Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Visit From Arthur

Annalise's Kindergarten class has a traveling Arthur.
This stuffed Arthur gets to visit each Kindergartner's house for a night, then each student is supposed to write about what Arthur did during his visit.
We kept Arthur busy during his stay and took pictures, too.
This is what we sent back to school with Arthur the next day...... 

January 8, 2014
Hi Mrs. Pennylegion’s Class,
I had so much fun going home with Annalise yesterday!
First we went to this place called the YMCA after school program.  We played and played!!!  I made lots of new friends there.
Next we got to Annalise’s house.  We got to watch a show on the iPad!

Then we had a yummy dinner!  It was nachos and salad!
After dinner I helped Annalise with her science homework!  Playing with different kinds of balls is sure fun!

The next thing I knew, it was time for a bath!!!  I got nice and CLEAN!!!


We also had a little time to play in Annalise’s room before bed.  I got to take Sadie’s scooter for a spin.  (SAFETY FIRST….Annalise made sure I was wearing a helmet!)

Before we were tucked in bed, we got to read some of my Arthur stories!  I sure love those books!   

Our last thing to do before bed was to feed Annalise’s fish.  They were sure hungry!!!

Finally, Sadie and Sofia (Annalise’s friends) let me have their TOP bunk for the night!  I slept really great!

It was sure a fun night with Annalise!  I can’t wait for my next adventure with another Kindergarten friend!
                                                                                    Love, Arthur

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