Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Memorable Grandma and Grandpa Visit!

Grandma and Grandpa made it over to our house at the end of April.
We packed our weekend full of fun things!

On Saturday morning, they got to join us for Avery's belt ceremony.
So long purple belt....she's now an ORANGE belt!
Nice job Avery!

After the belt ceremony it was off to go bowling!!

At dinner, Annalise bit down on a steamed green bean and popped her tooth extra loose!
There was some blood.  And a LOT of crying.
She made it through, but didn't want to pull the tooth out yet.  
She was VERY scared.
So we left it alone for a while.
Avery, Grandma, myself and the Girl Scouts were off on the annual Night Hike around Lake Padden.

The weather cooperated this year!!!  No RAIN!!!  Grandma must be a good luck charm.
While we were gone....Grandpa and Annalise read about Arthur and a loose tooth.

The tooth remained.  
 Didn't come out at breakfast or during the crazy Uno game....

Didn't come out all day....not even when Daddy shook the cherry blossom tree and made it snow....

 ....not during the MEGA ZAPPER Electrical show at the Spark Museum either.

It waited until happy hour!
Popped RIGHT out on a french fry!!!!
And guess didn't even hurt.
Annalise realized that it's not so scary losing a tooth!

Next it was off to dinner at Anthony's Hearthfire Grill to celebrate Grandma's 70th Birthday!!!
Definitely a trip to remember....

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