Sunday, October 19, 2014

Birthday Weekend

My birthday was on a Thursday this year.
Avery had been wanting to go to a Ferndale High School volleyball game with her volleyball team and it just happened to be the night of my birthday.  Mark had Open House that night anyway, 
so Annalise and I tagged along with Avery to the game! 
It was fun....and it was super cool to see Avery get excited about what she has to 
look forward to if she sticks with volleyball.

We waited to celebrate until the weekend.
Geoff and Robin came up and helped!

We had a fun dinner at Kyoto....

Annalise especially loved it when the table side chef threw food in the air or lit something on fire!

Then it was home for my favorite birthday dessert....Baskin Robbins Grasshopper pie!

I felt so very loved and celebrated!!
I was definitely missing my Mom.
She always made me feel so special on my birthday.
I hope our girls know just how much I love them.

The weather was so nice the next day we decided we had to get out and take a hike around Hovander....what a beautiful Fall day!!!!


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