Sunday, December 7, 2014

Robin's 40th!!!!!!!!

Yes....FINALLY....Robin is turning 40!!!!
She wasn't so excited about another Vegas 40th trip, so we'll save our
BIG fun until this Spring in Palm Springs.

We decided to have a grown up night in Fairhaven and spend the night at the Chrysalis.

There's a lot of history with Robin.
We first met her when she started dating Geoff about 17 years ago.
They both worked at The Keg.
He was smitten.
And we got to know and love her, too.
Our first real introduction came in the form of a road trip!
We decided to go to Vegas, Bryce, Zion, and Utah.
Robin was so young she couldn't even drive the rental car.

 It was such a great trip!

And we've been besties ever since!
She and Geoff are AMAZING Godparents.....

And the Happy Campers began way back when....about 13 years ago....

The night of Robin's birthday celebration there was a cool Christmas boat parade
right outside our window in Bellingham Bay...

The crew came and met us before dinner....
Stacy and Robin go way back, too!!!
So much love.....

Dinner at Dirty Dan's was amazing....
Loved celebrating Robin!!!!!

What a great way to turn 40!!!
We love you Robin!!!!

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