Sunday, January 25, 2015

Misc. January!!

January, like the rest of the school year has flown by!!!
It's been a great month for football and sleepovers!
Avery and Jocelyn decided to honor the Seahawks with a cake.
They were really excited to bake!!!

They followed the directions  for a white cake.  
The directions said to use "egg whites".
Think the egg whites prevented their cake from rising.
Looks cool.....

Tastes....ummm....well.....not as good as it looks. 

The next day was beautiful and we needed to get out of the house!!!
We decided to take Charlie for a walk through the dog park. 
He's doing so much better with other dogs!
Actually....when he's off leash he gets along with other dogs!

We had a great hike and played in the park!

 It was a great January day!! :)

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Nelsons and the Seahawks

We headed down to Duvall for a weekend visit.
Geoff and Robin took us to this place in Carnation called LAZY K's.
The pizza was delicious, they served the girls Shirley Temples in a BOOT,

and the dessert was AH-MAZING!!!

From the menu:
Don’t go forgettin’ dessert!
Cow Pie ala Mode*
We bake up scrumptious chocolate chip cookie dough in a
deep dish and then lovingly put a dip of ‘nilla ice cream on top. 
OMG!!!  So good!
 The next morning was the Seahawks game.
They were playing for the NFC Championship against Green Bay.
Goooooooo HAWKS!!!!
(Yep...Avery is taller than Auntie Robin now, too!)
The first half of the game was a blowout.  Seahawks were losing big time.
We continued to cheer them on....
Even when the game was just about over and they were still down.
It was looking like their season was over. happened. 
The game went in to overtime and they WON!!!!!!!!!
So awesome!!!
And so fun to share that celebration with our besties!   

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Another Tooth

Annalise had another tooth ready to fall out.
We braced ourselves for the drama.
As soon as the blood began and tooth was literally hanging in her mouth....

The tears began to flow....

We assured her it would be alright....remember the last time?
She went to take a shower and read books to take her mind off of it.
When we sat down to read the thing was seriously HANGING out of her mouth.
I had her grab a tissue and just try to give it one little wiggle.
What do you know???  The thing just popped right out!
All better.....


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!!!!

New Year's Eve was EARRING CHANGING DAY!!!!
The girls had been anxiously awaiting this day!
They got earrings for Christmas and hundreds of earrings from Grams' collection of earrings.  
They were super ready to try something new!
In fact, before they even came downstairs in the morning, 
they had both already changed their earrings!!!
It was all about the danglies!!

We decided to have a little Happy Camper gathering for dinner
with the campers who were available.
We were missing a few, but these guys had fun!

And BOTH of the girls stayed up until midnight!!!!!

Happy 2015!!!!