Sunday, January 25, 2015

Misc. January!!

January, like the rest of the school year has flown by!!!
It's been a great month for football and sleepovers!
Avery and Jocelyn decided to honor the Seahawks with a cake.
They were really excited to bake!!!

They followed the directions  for a white cake.  
The directions said to use "egg whites".
Think the egg whites prevented their cake from rising.
Looks cool.....

Tastes....ummm....well.....not as good as it looks. 

The next day was beautiful and we needed to get out of the house!!!
We decided to take Charlie for a walk through the dog park. 
He's doing so much better with other dogs!
Actually....when he's off leash he gets along with other dogs!

We had a great hike and played in the park!

 It was a great January day!! :)

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