Sunday, February 1, 2015


Our Seahawks made it to the Super Bowl again!!!
We were soooo excited!!!!! 
(And Gramps came over for the party!!)

We had lots of people over and we shared lots of snacks!
To start the party....there was a "Wing Off"!!!
Everyone brought their own special wing recipe.

We sampled and voted.
Carter's entry...."SAVE THE WANGS" took first place!!!!
(We're pretty sure the kids stuffed the ballot box! ;) )

She even got a wing trophy that Mark made! 

The littles were more interested in playing than watching!

And really....up until the 4th quarter we all thought they were crazy!!
There were lots of snacks.....
(Katie went crazy with the theme snacks! :) )

And drinks....

And in the end....the Seahawks lost.  
It was a sad ending...but we are still Hawk fans! 
There's always next year!!!!
Go Hawks!!!!!!!!!!!!

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