Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Music of the 70's

Right after our long weekend at Great Wolf Lodge, Avery had her spring music program.
The title was....
The Music of the 70's--With Casey Kasem and American Top 40.

Talk about bringing back some memories!!!

They sang songs like The Muppet Theme, Old Time Rock and Roll, John Lennon's Imagine, Y.M.C.A. and ended the show with Joy to The World
 (That one brought a tear to my eye! I knew Grams was smiling and singing along! :) ).

Can you see her???  Far left....almost hiding behind the curtain!

Avery had a speaking part as an "announcer" between songs.
She did the "Mikey" Life commercial!

Another great performance!  Our girls have been so lucky to have such an awesome music teacher!
We all LOVE Mrs. Bianco!!!

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