Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Miscellaneous March

February ended with a HORRIBLE case of Shingles for Mark. :(
Ugh...if you can....get the shot.  They were awful!
I'll spare everyone the pictures.  Poor Mark.

That didn't really slow us down though.
We still managed to stay super busy.

Annalise came home from school with her library selections.

Where does this kid get her love of cats from??

We had a quick day visit from Guac, Carisa and their girls Emera and Skyla.
We went to Bellingham for some lunch and a little trip to the touch tanks.
It was great to see them.

Mark went to his yearly Tech Ed conference in Wenatchee and the girls and I went to see Mary Poppins at Ferndale High School.  Avery's friend Jocelyn came along with us.
It was such a great show!!! They did an amazing job!!  We all really enjoyed it.
(Even though we were up WAY past our bedtime!)

We had a super quick, one night visit from Geoff and Robin, too!
Literally...think they were here in time for dinner and then gone first thing in the morning.
We've been talking about going to the Steak House at Silver Reef for a very long time.
So....we got a babysitter and just the four of us went to a super yummy and fancy grown-up dinner!
Then it was to the casino to see how lucky we were feeling.
I was actually the only one who won anything.
And the game.....
You can't see it, but it was something like "Kitty Riches".
Maybe Annalise is on to something with her cat thing?!

 We have another Girl Scout in the family.
Annalise decided to try out Girl Scouts with some of her friends from school.
She's liking it....mostly because now she is a Girl Scout like Avery.
Aren't they cute little Daisies???

On St. Patrick's Day, Annalise really wanted something GREEN for breakfast.
She got some really green eggs. 

Avery got some good snuggles with Charlie.

The first half of March flew by.
Crazy to think we're just about to Spring Break.
Then....before you know it....Summer!  Yah!

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