Saturday, March 28, 2015

Meeting Lilo

Geoff and Robin were heartbroken when they lost their sweet Abbey girl.
It didn't take them long to realize that they needed another.
They signed up to get another through the same breeder they got Abbey from.
Once the babies were born, they got to go and do some meet and greets....

And they finally decided on this one....

Meet Lilo Nelson....

We decided we just couldn't wait to meet her.
So...the girls and I headed down to Duvall for a night to meet Lilo and do some pre-Spring Break shopping in Redmond. 

What's not to love about a puppy?
But....they still love their Charlie!
(They even thought about him while we were shopping the next day!)

We loved getting to meet Lilo....

Welcome to the family sweet girl....

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