Saturday, April 18, 2015


The first week back to school after Spring Break was a busy one for us!
The Missoula Children's Theatre was in residence at Skyline.
Students try out for a part in the play after school on Monday and rehearse for the entire week.  
At the end of the week they do 2 performances....
one for the school on Friday and another on Saturday.

Both girls decided they wanted to try out for the play.
And....both girls got parts in the play!
Avery was going to be Mother Gothel (the main character in this version of Rapunzel) 
and Annalise was a mushroom.

Because Avery had such a major part, she had to give up volleyball and taekwondo for the week in order to attend all of the after school/evening rehearsals.  
She was literally at school from about 8:30 in the morning until 8:30 at night most of the week.
Annalise only had a couple of rehearsals, but it still made for some very long days!
It was quite amazing to see what these two professional actors/directors could accomplish in just one week!  The kids were focused and had LOTS of lines to memorize!  
It was exhausting for the girls, but such a great experience!

Here's the synopsis of this version of Rapunzel....
"Would it surprise you to know that the story of Rapunzel happened in France?  Well it didn't really, but our story takes you on a frivolous frolic through the French countryside.  The Ogres garden in the Mushroom patch while the Corn and Potato spies report back to Madame Gothel.  Frenchy and his intense friends, the Wood Elves, do their best to help Rapunzel escape the grasp of Madame Gothel.  The lost Prince, Rapunzel's Parents, and her friends the Unicorns try to help.  
Just when you think it's safe to cross the bridge, a Troll and Three Billy Goats Gruff get in the way.  It doesn't help that the Three Bears (or is it four?) confuse Rapunzel with Goldilocks and chase her through the forest.  Add to that the Gremlins trying to play tricks on everyone and you have chaos!
Well, it's not that bad because the Pixies foil the Gremlin's plans most of the time.
In short, Rapunzel and all the rest of the characters tell a silly tale of personal triumph and friendship."

I am so proud of these girls!
Avery was unsure about the whole thing and worried that she may never memorize all of the lines!  She didn't particularly love the idea of playing the villain either....
yet...she stuck with it and had a great time doing it.
They worked so hard and did such an amazing job!

What a great experience for them!  I'm so glad they were able to do it together!!!!!

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