Saturday, August 29, 2015

Last Days of Summer

It was back home and back to the reality of school starting soon.
I needed to get my things unpacked in my new classroom!
I made a huge LEAP and transferred to Skyline after 15 years at Central!
Still teaching 4th grade, and best of all, I'll get to see Annalise at school each day!
It was a good time for a change!
Although I'll really miss some things about Central....
especially these two...(yes...this was there to greet me on the first day!!) 

Lots of hours unpacking and setting up a new classroom....
thankfully Avery's friends thought it was fun!  They were good helpers.

There was also some back to school shopping to do!
Look what we found at the mall in Burlington.....

 Annalise thought it was the greatest thing ever!!!

We even convinced Avery to give it a try!

Drew invited Mark and Annalise to go crabbing for a day.
They were super excited!!!!!

And the payoff was pretty awesome, too! was an amazing and crazy busy summer.
Guess now it's back to reality.

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