Sunday, September 20, 2015

Bow Hunting

Mark has always been curious about hunting, 
and finally decided this was the year he was going to give it a try.  
He spent a long weekend over in Spokane with my Dad.
Out on his property, he has a game camera that automatically takes pictures when animals go by.
He was sending Mark pictures before his trip over to show him the bucks that were visiting.

At one point the game cam caught a coyote....

 And when we were visiting this caught Charlie chasing a deer away.

Anyway....with the game cam pictures, they knew there were some nice bucks in the area.
Mark didn't want to just shoot anything...he was going to wait for a nice one!

This is the blind.....

This is the view from the blind.

The first evening there were a few does and a spike that they passed on.
 The next morning they were out in the blind at sun up! 
There were several deer that passed through and lots of turkeys!

At one point on the last day, there was a deer that had potential.
The worry was that the arrow may go through one and hit another.
Mark wasn't willing to take that chance.
So...this big buck.

When he got home, he said that he was fine with it....even if he didn't get one.
He so enjoyed being able to sit in the blind and just be a part of nature.
Several times he commented on how cool it was to be able to see what happens in
nature when you're not there.

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